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Understanding the needs and the functioning of the traditional media and its journalists on a local, regional, national and international level is one of the keys to establish a trustful and long-lasting relationship with them. Communicating on social media requires a different approach. Both areas need to be fed by appropriate and coherent content.
Communicating with the media in case of a crisis needs special skills, an incandescent, authentic and impressing presence of the spokes-person and a lot of experience. In our Media Training you will be prepared of contacting and responding to the questions of media organizations. It is important that you convey your messages with clarity, responsible and truthfully even under the pressure of stress and turmoil.
In preparing for a given crisis, the selection of the crisis team in advance is crucial. The team should get regular training, shall be accustomed to work in cooperation and test their coherence in case of crisis. Its selection should have core members with some functions needed for all kind of conceivable crises-scenarios. For some crises additional team members should be included because of their special knowledge, responsibility and/or presence at the site where the crisis occured.
To prepare different scenarios of the crises with a high probability of occurence and a strong impact, it is necessary to have basic texts (messages) prepared in advance. These texts will be the base for adaptation. They might be the source of arguments that the spokesperson will use in a press conference or be the base for the use of press releases. During this course we will also do some practical exercises and discuss the use and apply AI for the creation of these messages.
We offer crisis simulation workshops. We will both define a crisis and test your response. You will be put under severe pressure as you will have to manage multiple tasks, define and/or implement a communication strategy and plan. You will also have to manage your handling of the crisis in cooperation with public rescue forces (police, military, fire-brigades, etc.), respond to many enquiries by your employees, people affected by the crisis, social media enquiries and criticism and have an ongoing and pertinent exchange with the press.
In a crisis you will have to communicate with various target groups, such as the victims and their families and friends, the employees of the institutions, of the company (internal communication), etc. In your external communication efforts, you should also consider that the target groups might be different because of their age, their culture and other criteria. The analysis of your audience will determine the messages and the tools.
Individuals and groups (all kind of institutions) have many different stakeholders (such as fun clubs, shareholders, unions, NGO's, compliance bodies to name a few. In this session, we will determine all relevant and important stakeholders. In a second phase of the course we will analyse the quality and the quantity of the exchanges you are having with them. Having a longstanding and trustful relationship with your stakeholders will be of great help for your reputation. They might also help you to manage the crisis.
Standard one-to-one session (90 minutes)
One-to-one session for students (*) (90 minutes)
(*) Students of up to 26 years with valid student identification card.
If you subscribe for more courses, you will get a price reduction or a "reduced package offer" depending on the number of courses you will want to take (contact us).
Discount rates for professionals living in low to lower middle income economies as classified by the World Bank. Get in touch with us.
Standard group session (3-9 participants) (90 minutes)
Group session for students (*) (3-9 participants) (90 minutes)
(*) Students of up to 26 years with valid student identification card .
If you subscribe for more courses, you will get a price reduction or a "reduced package offer" depending on the number of courses you will want to take(contact us).
Discount rates for professionals living in low to lower middle income economies as classified by the World Bank. Get in touch with us.
If you are interested in any of the courses or if you just want a free discovery online-meeting (30'), contact us directly or please fill out this form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Email-address: herbert@hmk-riskcrisis.com
Swiss phone and whatsapp number: +41 78 834 14 10 (Herbert M. Koch)
Domicile of the company: Herbert M. Koch, Forsterstrasse 48, CH-8044 Zürich, Switzerland
Conversation and correspondence in English, German and French.