PR, Risk & Crisis Communication

Consulting & online courses worldwide

in English, French and German


What services are you interested in?


In an emergency situation, you may call us at any time (24h/24H) at the following phone numbers (please try both numbers):
+41 78 834 14 10 / mobile number
+41 443 047 667 / Swiss number
and/or send us an email to:
Please leave your name and phone number. We will try to call you back within 12 to 24 hours.
Please click here for more information.


Book individual online-courses to develop your knowledge or solve specific problems. One-to-one course have the advantage of focusing on a given case.
Booking group sessions are the ideal way to get courses where you can exchange with other participants and participate in their experience. Don't hesitate to contact us (see contact details at the bottom of this page). Thank you.
Course overview here.


If you want to speak to a PR, Risk & Crisis Consultant, contact us at the following Swiss phone number: +41 78 834 14 10 or at the email-address:
Please leave a message with your name, your email and/or your phone number. We will return your call as soon as possible.
Please click here to find out what kind of services we offer: consulting


Dr. Herbert M. Koch LL.M.
Senior Consultant Public Relations, Risk and Crisis Communication

Herbert Koch founded the International Association of Risk and Crisis Communication, IARCC, in May 2013 in Geneva.

As president of IARCC and teacher of well-known institutions,  he commissioned and led research projects in cooperation with the French engineers school Arts et Métiers ParisTech (ArtTec Paris)  gave lectures at CELSA, Université Paris-Sorbonne. He gave presentations at various conferences such as the Chosun Forum on Crisis Management in Seoul, South Korea or at the Emergency, Rescue and Safety Management Exhibition and Conference in Sofia, Bulgaria or the RISK-!N conference in Zurich, Switzerland. He published the online publication The Journal of Risk and Crisis Communication over many years.

Herbert started his career in communication as Senior Consultant of "de concert communication", a communication agency founded and domiciled in Paris, France, from 2004 until 2014. Since 2014, the agency is based in Zurich, Switzerland.

Download my worksheet to Crisis Communication

Basic elements for a successful crisis communication

Download here

Do you want to have an open and free conversation?
Then get in touch and we will contact you asap.

Courses and training for various publics

The online-courses are produced for a great diversity of people such as but not limited to  
> students in college or in higher education,
> emergency teams (such as but not limited to transport companies and all kind of industries),
> community, city, regional and national representatives,
> government officials and administration in general,
> in-house or external communication team members,
> responsible persons for security, risk and emergency management within companies or private or public institutions,
> exposed individuals and their agents and assistants such as artists, sportsmen and sportswomen, CEO's, leaders of organizations, foundations and/or associations, lawyers, military personal, representatives and members of political movements or of a political party, members of the church or having responsibilities in religious communities, etc.

Herbert M. Koch
HMK Risk & Crisis Communication
Swiss phone and whatsapp number: +41 78 834 14 10

Domicile of the company: Herbert M. Koch, Forsterstrasse 48, CH-8044 Zürich, Switzerland

Conversation and correspondence in English, German and French.